Distances between cities and towns of Lower Saxony

Choose a city from Lower Saxony as the origin and then a city as the destination, to see the distance between the two cities.

Lower Saxony

City Administration Population
Hannover Lower Saxony 542668
Braunschweig Lower Saxony 248823
Oldenburg Lower Saxony 170389
Osnabrück Lower Saxony 165034
Wolfsburg Lower Saxony 124151
Göttingen Lower Saxony 119801
Salzgitter Lower Saxony 104948
Hildesheim Lower Saxony 101990
Delmenhorst Lower Saxony 77607
Wilhelmshaven Lower Saxony 75189
Lüneburg Lower Saxony 75599
Celle Lower Saxony 69602
Garbsen Lower Saxony 60754
Hameln Lower Saxony 57510
Langenhagen Lower Saxony 56288
Lingen Lower Saxony 55599
Nordhorn Lower Saxony 54162
Wolfenbüttel Lower Saxony 52174
Goslar Lower Saxony 50753
Peine Lower Saxony 50461
Emden Lower Saxony 49913
Cuxhaven Lower Saxony 48356
Stade Lower Saxony 47579
Melle Lower Saxony 46732
Neustadt am Rübenberge Lower Saxony 44796
Lehrte Lower Saxony 44369
Gifhorn Lower Saxony 42993
Laatzen Lower Saxony 41965
Aurich Lower Saxony 42544
Seevetal Lower Saxony 41931
Wunstorf Lower Saxony 41594
Buchholz in der Nordheide Lower Saxony 40164
Buxtehude Lower Saxony 40150
Papenburg Lower Saxony 37885
Cloppenburg Lower Saxony 36183
Winsen Lower Saxony 35630
Meppen Lower Saxony 35415
Leer Lower Saxony 35078
Seelze Lower Saxony 34442
Barsinghausen Lower Saxony 34327
Stuhr Lower Saxony 33678
Uelzen Lower Saxony 33629
Vechta Lower Saxony 33309
Achim Lower Saxony 32379
Georgsmarienhütte Lower Saxony 31827
Bramsche Lower Saxony 32103
Ganderkesee Lower Saxony 31578
Weyhe Lower Saxony 31162
Burgdorf Lower Saxony 31083
Einbeck Lower Saxony 30826
Osterholz-Scharmbeck Lower Saxony 30438
Walsrode Lower Saxony 30370
Bad Zwischenahn Lower Saxony 29351
Northeim Lower Saxony 29107
Springe Lower Saxony 28951
Lohne Lower Saxony 27387
Nordenham Lower Saxony 26193
Helmstedt Lower Saxony 25728
Rinteln Lower Saxony 25484
Norden Lower Saxony 25060
Ronnenberg Lower Saxony 24347
Isernhagen-Süd Lower Saxony 24409
Hannoversch Münden Lower Saxony 24467
Syke Lower Saxony 24365
Haren Lower Saxony 24137
Varel Lower Saxony 24001
Sehnde Lower Saxony 23769
Westerstede Lower Saxony 23452
Wallenhorst Lower Saxony 23081
Rastede Lower Saxony 22874
Edewecht Lower Saxony 22748
Friesoythe Lower Saxony 22612
Stadthagen Lower Saxony 22247
Ilsede Lower Saxony 21975
Bad Harzburg Lower Saxony 21945
Neu Wulmstorf Lower Saxony 21748
Osterode Lower Saxony 21731
Soltau Lower Saxony 21317
Wildeshausen Lower Saxony 20667
Schortens Lower Saxony 20590
Duderstadt Lower Saxony 20466
Schwanewede Lower Saxony 20408
Wittmund Lower Saxony 20433
Uetze Lower Saxony 20333
Holzminden Lower Saxony 19998
Sarstedt Lower Saxony 19423
Bückeburg Lower Saxony 19336
Bad Pyrmont Lower Saxony 19285
Hemmingen Lower Saxony 18998
Seesen Lower Saxony 19340
Schneverdingen Lower Saxony 18964
Alfeld Lower Saxony 18626
Bremervörde Lower Saxony 18666
Langen Lower Saxony 18395
Rhaude Lower Saxony 18341
Vechelde Lower Saxony 18158
Hessisch Oldendorf Lower Saxony 18228
Bad Münder am Deister Lower Saxony 17465
Damme Lower Saxony 17366
Diepholz Lower Saxony 17192
Loxstedt Lower Saxony 16441
Bassum Lower Saxony 16289
Hude Lower Saxony 16248
Wardenburg Lower Saxony 16213
Oyten Lower Saxony 16085
Wiefelstede Lower Saxony 16167
Großenkneten Lower Saxony 16144
Clausthal-Zellerfeld Lower Saxony 15888
Bad Essen Lower Saxony 15982
Weener Lower Saxony 15927
Bad Bentheim Lower Saxony 15948
Königslutter am Elm Lower Saxony 15786
Garrel Lower Saxony 15428
Gehrden Lower Saxony 15177
Brake Lower Saxony 14965
Langelsheim Lower Saxony 14990
Ritterhude Lower Saxony 14800
Jever Lower Saxony 14550
Pattensen Lower Saxony 14636
Bissendorf Lower Saxony 14680
Schiffdorf Lower Saxony 14665
Harsefeld Lower Saxony 14378
Langwedel Lower Saxony 14425
Hatten Lower Saxony 14440
Tostedt Lower Saxony 14206
Quakenbrück Lower Saxony 13612
Uslar Lower Saxony 14236
Lengede Lower Saxony 13937
Wennigsen Lower Saxony 14043
Mittegroßefehn Lower Saxony 14138
Friedland Lower Saxony 14050
Belm Lower Saxony 13896
Bovenden Lower Saxony 13972
Zeven Lower Saxony 13828
Löningen Lower Saxony 13592
Beverstedt Lower Saxony 13608
Bergen Lower Saxony 13556
Schüttorf Lower Saxony 12934
Wiesmoor Lower Saxony 13372
Dinklage Lower Saxony 13290
Bad Salzdetfurth Lower Saxony 13266
Barßel Lower Saxony 13301
Ottersberg Lower Saxony 13224
Cremlingen Lower Saxony 13111
Haselünne Lower Saxony 13196
Sulingen Lower Saxony 13005
Scheeßel Lower Saxony 13014
Herzberg am Harz Lower Saxony 12889
Bohmte Lower Saxony 12741
Twistringen Lower Saxony 12527
Edemissen Lower Saxony 12502
Wietmarschen Lower Saxony 12507
Emstek Lower Saxony 12351
Bad Fallingbostel Lower Saxony 12209
Jork Lower Saxony 12183
Nordstemmen Lower Saxony 12123
Lehre Lower Saxony 12135
Rosdorf Lower Saxony 11949
Zetel Lower Saxony 11981
Apen Lower Saxony 11883
Sassenburg Lower Saxony 11872
Harsum Lower Saxony 11496
Stelle Lower Saxony 11402
Ostrhauderfehn Lower Saxony 11458
Bad Nenndorf Lower Saxony 11189
Schöningen Lower Saxony 11306
Adendorf Lower Saxony 10903
Wittingen Lower Saxony 11503
Hasbergen Lower Saxony 11024
Drochtersen Lower Saxony 11184
Hagen im Bremischen Lower Saxony 11110
Bad Iburg Lower Saxony 10661
Hambühren Lower Saxony 10683
Wendeburg Lower Saxony 10526
Neuenhaus Lower Saxony 10356
Hilter Lower Saxony 10480
Aerzen Lower Saxony 10510
Bad Lauterberg Lower Saxony 10290
Lahstedt Lower Saxony 10262
Steinfeld Lower Saxony 10316
Großburgwedel Lower Saxony 10306
Werlte Lower Saxony 10260
Emsbüren Lower Saxony 10338
Friedeburg Lower Saxony 10269
Spelle Lower Saxony 9931
Rehburg-Loccum Lower Saxony 10110
Visbek Lower Saxony 10047
Goldenstedt Lower Saxony 10037
Kirchlinteln Lower Saxony 10054
Worpswede Lower Saxony 9919
Giesen Lower Saxony 9709
Bad Gandersheim Lower Saxony 9823
Bockenem Lower Saxony 9795
Ostercappeln Lower Saxony 9688
Fürstenau Lower Saxony 9621
Lüchow Lower Saxony 9604
Visselhövede Lower Saxony 9629
Dassel Lower Saxony 9604
Neu Bleckede Lower Saxony 9613
Twist Lower Saxony 9554
Bad Bevensen Lower Saxony 9400
Obernkirchen Lower Saxony 9288
Bad Laer Lower Saxony 9228
Hohenhameln Lower Saxony 9201
Molbergen Lower Saxony 9201
Gnarrenburg Lower Saxony 9204
Salzhemmendorf Lower Saxony 9150
Elsfleth Lower Saxony 9113
Dörverden Lower Saxony 9062
Elze Lower Saxony 8973
Bruchhausen-Vilsen Lower Saxony 9070
Neuenkirchen Lower Saxony 9021
Hemmoor Lower Saxony 8843
Sande Lower Saxony 8835
Bersenbrück Lower Saxony 8810
Bockhorn Lower Saxony 8821
Meine Lower Saxony 8706
Bösel Lower Saxony 8550