Distances between cities and towns of La Guajira

Choose a city from La Guajira as the origin and then a city as the destination, to see the distance between the two cities.

La Guajira

City Administration Population
Uripa La Guajira 198890
Ríohacha La Guajira 167865
Maicao La Guajira 123757
Uribia La Guajira 117674
Manaure La Guajira 67584
San Juan del Cesar La Guajira 39472
Barrancas La Guajira 38232
Dibulla La Guajira 37854
Fonseca La Guajira 35205
Hatonuevo La Guajira 28671
Albania La Guajira 26940
Urumita La Guajira 19629
Villanueva La Guajira 18804
Distracción La Guajira 11934